People who know me

Over the years I made many friends all over the world. I am very honored that the great leaders on this page are supporting me in my goal becoming the 1st European VP of IIMC.

Linda Carter – Past President of SLCC
Ruth Mullett

Bonnie Hilford

Hello fellow Clerks!  The election for IIMC VP is upon us and it is very important to vote as decisions will affect IIMC and you for many years.  

This is my first endorsement letter so you can ensure that it is purposeful and important.  It is vital we vote for our  values – honesty, trust, fairness, integrity, and respect are at the top of my list and because  Han Rijs exemplifies these values in all he does, I will be voting  for him.   

I met Hans in 2018 at an IIMC conference.  His energy,  friendliness and passion was infectious.  If you have attended an event where Hans is, you probably have met him and are still friends with him.  He is now a lifelong friend and even though we live thousands of miles apart,  I can contact him anytime and he will always make time and listen. 

Because he  cares and is interested and engaged with the membership, he took the time and came to our Alberta Clerk conference as well as drove out of his way many miles to visit my city hall and others.  That is who he is – the members are important to him and he wants to learn more about us. 

Hans also helped the Host Committee find sponsors and raise funds for last year’s Calgary IIMC conference.  And when the Host Committee encountered unexpected issues he was there, listened and wanted to help – that needed compassion went a long way.  I consider myself lucky to have met him.  He has enriched my life, has my back and he will have yours, too.

I confidently recommend Hans for the following reasons:

  • Hans will not play politics or impose his own agenda.  He will not avoid change because things are hard, pressure from others who insist on their way, or ‘that’s the way it’s always been done’;
  • He walks the talk and puts in extra effort because he truly cares and wants to make a positive difference.  Hans is competent, focused and has the wisdom and insight to make the right decisions.  His extensive board and clerk experience means he understands and can relate to the issues we are all dealing with.  We can count on his thoughtful, honest and pragmatic approach and he can hit the ground running;   
  • Hans’ willingness to seek out different points of view, examine the issues, and listen closely to your concerns makes him the person we need and can trust.  He is genuinely committed to you, the members, and will work hard to implement your requests quickly;
  • Hans is compassionate and believes in implementing inclusivity, diversity, and equality, not just talking about it.  He knows the International membership’s needs must be heard and addressed as well as minority groups’ interests;
  • Hans’ well-known commitment to accountability in government will promote openness of information and decisions, including how they were made and that they were done correctly;
  • Hans is an effective advocate for the clerk profession, which includes innovation, promotion, education, and ethics; and
  • He is a proficient communicator and devotes a significant amount of time attending clerk events all over the world.   He would be an excellent  ambassador.

If you care about the profession – that it is on trend and keeps up with developments, that needed improvements will be implemented, and a strategic and progressive vision for the future will be in place, please support Hans.

We need Hans. Hans needs you. Vote for him starting March 4th.  To learn more about Hans go to

Bonnie Hilford, CMC, BComm

City Clerk, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

IIMC Member

IIMC Host Clerk – 2024 Calgary Conference

Past IIMC Board Director

Past Alberta Municipal Clerk Association Director

Winnie Baloyi

Letter of Support for Hans Rijs

To everyone who have not met Hans Rijs or had an encounter with him, I would like to attest that Hans is one of the most committed, hardworking and willing to assist member of the IIMC Region XI.

I personally appreciated Hans’s assistance in 2021 when I was the President of IMASA (Institute of the Municipal Administrators of South Africa) by introducing me to the COO of the Belgium company (Cipal Schaubroek), Mr. Hans Halpiau. This meeting was virtual with the intention of securing a potential sponsor for IMASA.

Hans did not only introduce me to the COO of Cipal Schaubroek but further arranged for Cipal Schaubroek to make a presentation to my municipality (Greater Tzaneen Municipality) in Limpopo, South Africa, on the advanced electronic council meetings. This was one of the learning platforms for officials in Council Support Unit of Greater Tzaneen Municipality.

I trust that Hans will do a great job when elected as the IIMC Vice President to ensure that institutes affiliated to the IIMC are supported in all aspects.

I support Hans Rijs for the IIMC Vice President position!

Winnie Baloyi

IMASA Past President

Pamela Smith

In just over 3 weeks we will be casting our vote for the IIMC Vice President. I encourage you to watch the Vice President debate live Thursday, February 13, and if you cannot, the debate will be recorded.  It is vitally important that we vote for the best candidates that has integrity, is honest, trustworthy and respects the opinion of others even when they may differ.

That is why I am casting my vote for Hans Rijs!  Hans is a great ambassador for IIMC.  Wherever he travels, he invites City Clerks to become a member of IIMC.  He loves Zenath, life and IIMC!!  He works tirelessly for IIMC both as a former Region XI Director, planning the 2023 Study Abroad Program and growing the Region XI membership.  

Hans has been in government at one level or another for many years.  I believe, like many others, he found his true calling as a municipal clerk.  Hans believes in the underdog even when it is not popular. He is willing to listen to members at their level and make decisions that apply to the majority.  I served with Hans on the IIMC Board of Directors.  When he believes in something, he fights tirelessly.  That’s the kind of Vice President that we need. A man that will fight for you and I.  Hans has a unique perspective because he is from The Netherlands.

Since the “I” in IIMC stands for “International” isn’t it time that we stand behind the “I” and elect an European member as the next Vice President. I know no one else up for the challenges and responsibilities that come with being the Vice President that ascends to the presidency more than Hans!  

Let’s make this happen. Join me in voting for Han’s for Vice President on March 4.  

Where Europe Meets America – One Vision – One World – One IIMC!!

Pamela Smith

Past president IIMC, Florida

Peter Sass

Testimony for Hans Rijs

I have known Hans for nearly 7 years since the combined SLCC conference and VvG Symposium in Stratford-upon-Avon in 2018. He is a true governance professional in every sense of the phrase and he and I have enjoyed a positive and constructive working relationship and close friendship ever since.

We have attended each other’s conferences and I have been fortunate to join Hans and some of his Councillors on a study tour of the UK. Hans and I have shared many discussions over the years about the role of the clerk; dealing with virtual and hybrid meetings during the Pandemic; the utilisation of streaming and other technology to improve public meetings; the importance of strong ethical standards; and the need for continuous learning for our profession. Hans has guided ADSO with its sponsorship activities and has even attracted Dutch companies to sponsor ADSO and support its conferences. His dedication to governance associations in Region 11 is outstanding.

Hans has a magnetic personality and lights up a room instantly. His passion for the governance sector is clear. His energy, drive and passion for his role knows no bounds. The job he has done as Region XI Director, Chair of VvG and ADSO member has been phenomenal. I have worked in local government in the UK for almost 41 years and I am convinced that an individual with the qualities that Hans possesses is a rare thing.

I am proud to support my international colleague and friend Hans Rijs in his bid to become IIMC’s next Vice President.


Peter Sass

Head of Governance

Richmond and Wandsworth Councils

London, UK

Geoff Fogg

Julia Warren

Hans for VP !

We, as members of the SLCC (and also of IIMC), will shortly be receiving ballot papers for the IIMC vice president elections.

I will be supporting Hans Rijs.

I urge you to vote on 4 March. International collaboration is so beneficial, we can learn from one another. This is our chance to put ourselves on the map

If you’ve been to SLCC National or Practitioners’ conferences in recent years you may well have heard Hans Rijs speak or spoken personally to him; a fellow clerk from the Netherlands joining us from the IIMC. He’s attended  9 conferences so a good track record of interest in supporting UK colleagues. If he should win he’d be well placed to have our voices heard internationally and would be the first European VP. He represents Region 11 (essentially Europe and rest of the world), Regions 1 to 10 being America (including Canada)

Read about him as a persons and a VP candidate . Check out the SLCC website for more information about IIMC

And why not take a taste of the training opportunities he is also pushing our way  such as the Athenian Dialogue? (also on SLCC website).

Hans has my vote as I truly believe he has an understanding of the issues we clerks in SLCC experience and will speak out for us. I urge you to look at the candidates and consider strongly how you vote. But most of all please exercise your vote.

Best Wishes

Julia Warren

Clerk to Wheathampstead Parish Council

Mary J. Johnston

February 1, 2025

Dear IIMC Friends,

I am writing to endorse my friend Hans Rijs, MMC, Clerk of Council, Bodegraven-Reeuwijk, The Netherlands, for International Institute of Municipal Clerks Vice President.  I have known Hans for several years and I can confidently say that he possesses the necessary qualities, knowledge and skills to excel as our next IIMC Vice President.

I had the privilege of swearing in Hans as Region XI Director in 2020 and then working with Hans on many initiatives on IIMC’s Board of Directors during my year as President.  Hans represented his colleagues in Region XI well and fostered stronger relationships between all the associations in Region XI.  Hans was instrumental in restructuring education programs that benefited European clerks working on their professional designations.

I believe that it is essential to elect leaders who are committed to IIMC, and clerk education and Hans is one such leader.  Hans has demonstrated his commitment to IIMC, and I am certain Hans will continue to work tirelessly to make IIMC even stronger for all members.

I strongly urge you to vote for Hans Rijs, MMC, for International Institute of Municipal Clerks Vice President.  I am confident Hans will make a positive impact during his term and will work hard for the betterment of our members.  Please join me in supporting Hans Rijs, MMC, for IIMC Vice President.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Mary J. Johnston

Mary J. Johnston, MMC

Retired, Clerk of Council, Westerville, Ohio

International Institute of Municipal Clerks Past President 2020-2021

Cheryl Hyde

Hello fellow Region X clerks! My name is Cheryl Hyde and I work in the Municipal Clerk’s Office in beautiful Canmore Alberta. This year I am voting for Hans Rijs for IIMC vice-president, and I hope you will consider supporting him as well.

Hans has boundless energy and love for the municipal clerk profession and consistently shows his commitment to international collaboration. He has years of experience serving on both the IIMC board and his own regional clerk’s association board and was instrumental in planning the recent study abroad program in the Netherlands. And he already takes every opportunity to travel to clerk events around the world, including the Alberta Municipal Clerks Association conference in 2022.

In addition to his professional achievements, Hans is a person of great integrity and kindness. He shows up for his colleagues over and over again, most recently he went out of his way to lend support to our conference host committee in Calgary. His positive attitude and genuine care for others have had a lasting effect on me and everyone who knows him.

I first met Hans at the Norfolk conference in 2018, and like many others who have had the good fortune to meet him, we have remained close friends over the years. I wholeheartedly believe he will be an inspirational and dedicated leader on the IIMC board and I really hope you will join me in supporting Hans Rjis for IIMC vice-president.

Thank you for your consideration.

Cheryl Hyde, Municipal Clerk

Calgary conference committee member

Past board member of the Alberta Municipal Clerks Association

Sharon Cassler

To my Clerk friends and colleagues.

I am delighted to offer my endorsement for Hans Rijs as the next Vice President of IIMC.  I was honored to serve IIMC as President in 2010-2011 and know firsthand the dedication and commitment it takes to serve ALL members of this organization.

I first met Hans at the 2018 Conference in Norfolk, VA. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that this was a guy with great ambition, passion and a desire to serve and work together to continue the growth of IIMC. One of the things that I’ve always loved about IIMC is that first “I” – INTERNATIONAL. It is so rewarding to meet and collaborate with our colleagues from other countries as we share “best practices” and learn from one another.

It’s my firm belief that NOW is the time for IIMC to elect a Vice President that represents our first “I”. Hans will work for you and I, he’ll always put the membership first and will seek to make decisions that are necessary to continue the path forward.  Please take a minute to visit his website – to learn all about Hans.

I’m also available to chat or answer any questions from our members that may not know him but would like more information – call me anytime!  So – please join me and cast your vote for Hans Rijs when you receive your ballot from IIMC in March.

Sharon Cassler

Past president IIMC

Sharon Cassler – Past president

Djimmer Petrusma

It is with great enthusiasm that I support Hans Rijs to be elected as Vice President of the IIMC in the upcoming elections. As Hans’ direct predecessor as Director of the Board, I had the privilege of working closely with Hans and have been able to see all the qualities that Hans brings along.

Hans has excellent communication skills and has a great organizational talent. Furthermore, Hans is an excellent networker, always willing to work with everyone. You will meet him at a lot of meetings, in the Netherlands, the UK, Canada or in the USA. Hans is present everywhere.

And that is where Hans’ strength lies. He is a master in initiating cooperation between fellow clerks, he stimulates the idea that clerks can learn from each other, can exchange ideas and experiences and he tries to ensure that those contacts will last. This is, I think, Hans’ greatest motivation and that is why Hans is the ideal candidate for the International IMC.

Djimmer Petrusma, former director Region XI

Djimmer Petrusma – Former director region XI

Lana Mcperson              

                                              LETTER OF ENDORSEMENT 

                             FOR HANS RIJS FOR 2025 IIMC VICE PRESIDENT                                    

February 1, 2025

Hello, Clerk Family:

I am honored to submit this letter of endorsement for Hans Rijs as 2025 IIMC Vice President.  I have known Hans since 2018 when we were introduced at the IIMC conference in Norfolk, VA.  We have shared many conversations since that time.

Hans has been a leader and collaborator in encouraging clerks in Europe to join IIMC.  He has worked diligently to bring clerks together to share institutional information during international exchanges and was instrumental in the IIMC study abroad program to the Netherlands.  Hans has been dedicated in bringing our European friends into the IIMC family.  He has set the bar high for his European clerk family in achieving IIMC’s highest education level of Master Municipal Clerk and is inspiring his fellow clerks to do the same. His determination shows leadership and educational commitment to our municipal clerks’ professional career and to our organization.

I encourage you to visit Hans’ website at  if you do not know him personally.  I believe you will see what I see:  a fellow clerk who is an encourager, an innovator, a motivator, a mentor, and a servant leader.  Hans has demonstrated he is fully committed to serving the IIMC membership, and he has the passion and desire to make an international difference in our IIMC as our great organization continues to grow and move forward into the future.  

It is past time our IIMC membership has a president who truly represents the first “I” in International Institute of Municipal Clerks.  I ask you to please join me in voting for Hans Rijs as our 2025 IIMC Vice President. 


Lana R.  McPherson, MMC

IIMC President (2019-2020)

IIMC Region VII Region Director (2012-2015)

Retired City Clerk, City of De Soto, Kansas

Lana McPherson – Past president

Kathryn Richmond

I was so pleased to hear that Hans is running for the VP position in the great organisation that is the IIMC. 

I have known Hans for a number of years now, and I have worked closely with him especially on an exchange visit by his Council to mine in Essex. He is professional and hardworking, and obviously much appreciated by his Council colleagues. This visit, instigated by Hans,  also demonstrates that his outlook on our profession is very much an international one. 

Hans carries this dedication through to his close involvement in the IIMC, serving as a Board Director. Having held the position of a Region 11 Director myself, I know how much work is involved. As Hans is also a member of the SLCC he has attended nine conferences over the past few years, travelling from The Netherlands, as well as numerous conferences in the US. 

It is clear to me that Hans sees the international perspective of our profession and I have no doubt he will work tirelessly to promote this view to the benefit of the IIMC and all its members. 

I would like to recommend Hans Rijs to you, and ask that you vote for Hans in the forthcoming election for VP of the IIMC in March. 

Kathryn Richmond

Former director region XI

United Kingdom

Kathryn Richmond – Former director region XI

Renée Wiggers

IIMC International Institute Municipal Clerks

8331 Utica Ave.
Suite 200
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Zwolle, 12 February 2025

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to recommend a colleague for the position of Vice President of the IIMC, our international clerks’ association. In these challenging times, where democracy is under great pressure, it is important to unite our strengths and defend the values of democracy wherever we can. It is crucial to participate internationally within our profession. What can we learn from each other, and how can we support each other to withstand aggression and pressure?

For the first time, a Dutch candidate, Hans Rijs, is running for the vice presidency. I highly recommend Hans to you. I worked with Hans for 6 years in the board of the VvG. He is energetic, fully committed to democracy, and specializes in digital applications. He is tireless and full of ideas. Hans has a vast network and knowledge of American, Canadian, and European democracies. His plan is to boost knowledge exchange, and he is an excellent chair of meetings.

Therefore, I urge you to vote for Hans Rijs between March 4 and 18.

Kind regards,

Drs. Renée Wiggers MMC
Former President of the Association of Clerks Netherlands VvG
Clerk of the Province of Overijssel, Netherlands

Renée Wiggers – Past president VvG

Ryan D. Westerson – Legislative Services Manager, Lethbridge, AB, Canada

Camilla G. Pitman, MMC, Certified PLS

Alan Fairchild – Honorary vice president SLCC United Kingdom

Honorary vice president SLCC United Kingdom

Linda CarterPast President of SLCC

During my time as President of SLCC I met many Town and City Clerks, some of whom I have been able to stay in touch with. Many clerks from other countries and states are interested in the similarities and differences between our roles, and often initiate discussion about shared experiences and how we can support each other.

Hans Rijs is one of those clerks who takes the time to understand the similarities and differences and attend events across all of the member organisations. His efforts in attracting sponsors to European events, including the Study Abroad tour in 2023, in order to benefit his fellow clerks are exceptional, and he is a regular attendee at our SLCC events throughout each year.

We have continued to have a sharing and supportive dialogue over the past three years and have spent many hours in conversation at the various events that we have both attended. He genuinely cares about the education and welfare of IIMC members. I have been impressed by his continuing commitment to support and mentor fellow clerks, explore the world of clerks across two continents and to endeavour to make a difference wherever he goes.

I have no hesitation in offering him my personal endorsement as candidate for Vice President of IIMC and hope that you will also offer him your support.

Linda CarterPast President of SLCC

Ruth Mullett

I am delighted to support Hans Rijs in his candidacy for Vice President of the IIMC. Hans is a dedicated and passionate professional who has consistently demonstrated his commitment to the IIMC and its members.

One of Hans’ standout qualities is his unwavering support for students and colleagues taking the SLCC/De Montfort University Community Governance course. He was the perfect host when he organised a study tour in the Netherlands for SLCC Community Governance students, ensuring a valuable and enriching experience for all involved. His hospitality, knowledge, and enthusiasm made a lasting impact, and his dedication to professional development is evident in everything he does.

Since that study tour, Hans and I have become good friends, which is a testament to his warmth, approachability, and genuine interest in building strong connections within the Community Governance field, encouraging higher education for clerks. He is also a familiar and valued presence at SLCC conferences, where his support for UK parish and town clerks is always appreciated. His contributions, insights, and camaraderie make him a fantastic advocate for the profession, and his commitment to the IIMC is second to none.

I have no doubt that Hans would make an excellent Vice President of the IIMC. His leadership, experience, and genuine care for the sector will benefit members at all levels. I wholeheartedly endorse Hans for Vice President, confident that his leadership and vision will be an asset to the IIMC and its members.

Ruth Mullett

Dear IIMC Colleagues,

With this letter, we acknowledge the candidacy of Hans Rijs for the position of Vice President of IIMC. It is encouraging for our association to see a member of Region XI aspiring to take on this important role as a representative of our region. We believe this is valuable for the IIMC organization.

Hans has been an active member of the Association of Municipal Clerks (VVG) for many years. During his tenure on the IIMC Board of Directors, he has distinguished himself through his unwavering commitment to international cooperation. As a representative of Region XI, he has played a key role in strengthening the ties between various associations in this region, including ADSO, VVG,, and SLCC. His involvement has contributed to collaborative initiatives between Belgium and the Netherlands within the framework of IIMC.

His experience in municipal governance and his extensive network within Region XI have been instrumental in fostering international engagement. We trust that, if elected, Hans will continue to leverage his dedication and connections to further strengthen and expand international collaboration within IIMC—something we consider especially important in these uncertain times from an international perspective.

IIMC-representative IIMC-representative
Board member

Tine Vervisch – Sophie Hermans- Wim Van der Schoot