Social media posts

LinkedIn post 22 februari 2025

When travelling I like to visit colleagues and town halls. Tuesday, I visited De Soto Kansas where I met Brandon Mills, MPA, CPM, SHRM-CP the city clerk.
I was shown around by my friend Lana McPherson who was city clerk here for 23 years! Yesterday I visited the city of Broken Arrow. I was shown around by the deputy clerk Lisa Blackford and learned a lot how they run their council meetings and do amazing things to serve the community.

Facebookpost 20 februari 2025

The past few days I visited my friend Lana Pingleton McPherson and her husband Ian in De Soto. I was kindly invited to stay in their beautiful home for a couple of days. They took me around town, and we visited city hall where I met Brandon the city clerk. He didn’t vote last year but he promised me that he will this year, I just hope it’s for me

Even during a winter storm its very nice out here and I really enjoyed my stay, tnx again!

LinkedIn post from Gordon McIntosh on 15 februari 2025

The contemporary leadership imperatives of City Clerks are of keen interest to Hans Rijs and I when we meet with Vereniging van Griffiers and Association Of Democratic Services Officers members in England and then Netherlands at their conferences this fall. This timely dialogue will produce a leader profile for personal and association development (and coaching) of incumbent and aspiring clerks. Future community, local government and staff success require Clerks with both technical and ‘people’ skills.
In preparation for this endeavour, a survey will be sent to clerks worldwide in the near future.

Facebookpost 12 februari 2025

I feel very blessed, I have a great job. last Friday my 2 deputies and myself visited Frank Rijkaart. He once was councillor in our council and now has moved on to deputy Kings Commissioner. A big thank you for showing us around in the provincial building, very impressive.

Tonight I am enjoying a good financial & governance committee meeting.

And today I could launch my campaigning video. Very exciting and I hope it will help the members to get to know more about me.

LinkedIn post 4 februari 2025

Today, for the first time since COVID, I visited the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) event at Fira Barcelona again. I saw many innovations in meeting technology and am heading back to Bodegraven-Reeuwijk with a wealth of new ideas.

A big thank you to our partners Arbor Media, MVI AudioVisual, and Crestron Europe for the great collaboration!

Facebook post 31 januari 2025

This week, I attended the Practitioners’ Conference of the SLCC. This was my ninth SLCC conference, and I am glad to be a member of this association. Over the years, I have made many friends there.

The sessions were very interesting—White Ribbon, tackling bullying, and so on. These are truly thought-provoking topics that are highly valuable in our work. I was also very happy that our new staff member for VvG, Marie-Laure, could join me. She made some great connections for her role in our clerk organization.

Since I am in the middle of an election campaign, I brought a wheel of aged Edam cheese, which was very well received. After the conference, I stopped by Hull for tea with Kathryn and her husband Mark. Years ago, Kathryn and I organized the exchange program between our two councils, Waltham Abbey and Bodegraven-Reeuwijk. It was great to catch up and see each other again!

Linkedin post 27 januari 2025

As part of my campaign for vice-president for IIMC, I’m sharing a bit more on LinkedIn than usual, about what I do during a regular working week. On Monday, we had a fraction leaders meeting where we discussed, among other things, the support provided by the clerks office regarding all matters related to the elections. On Tuesday, we spoke with ProDemos about a course, which aims to involve more residents in politics. On Wednesday, I caught up with two old acquaintances, had lunch with Boudewijn Steur, director at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), who is also the chair of our scrutiny committee. I worked closely with him during the pandemic on digital meetings. Coincidentally, that same day I had a meeting with Christiaan de Vlieger, head of municipal law at the Dutch Municipalities organization VNG, again about digital meetings but also about a few legal issues currently affecting our municipality.

The week ended with a productive board meeting for the clerks organization VvG and, in the afternoon, a great opportunity training session on how the mayor, city manager and the clerk can work as a team to support the municipal council during the coming year towards election. This is a program I helped develop and now participated in as an attendee.

Linkedin post 20 januari 2025

Last week I had some activities related to my ambitions to become next VP for IIMC. On Tuesday I was in Cuijk visiting the clerk Kike Groenewoud in preparations for our annual conference. We are working on 2 international workshops. 1 on AI for which we approached Nadira Hussain from England for and 1 on leadership that I will host together with Gordon McIntosh from Canada.

On Friday we had a VvG-meeting in Woerden. I am proud that our international work will now become part of our Dutch clerks organization multi-year vision and will be supported by the office of the VvG. We also welcomed Thijs Deckers as our new committee member who is very interested in strengthening relations with our German and Belgian colleagues.

I concluded the working week with Debby de Heus. On behalf of the VvG international committee we attended the New Year’s reception of VNG International. We heard an inspiring speech by VNG chair Sharon Dijksma about the importance of municipalities in international cooperation.